Quality in the current era is a necessary requirement for every educational institution that aspires to achieve leadership. All state institutions are moving towards strengthening the Egyptian higher education system through the Egypt Vision 2030, which one of its main objectives is the quality of higher education to keep pace with changes in education systems and establish a culture of self-education and the ability to Innovation, which allows graduating a generation capable of fulfilling the requirements of work, as well as developing academic programs and upgrading teaching and learning methods, and the importance of the role of a faculty member to raise the efficiency of the educational process to improve the level of the graduate .
From this point of view, the Quality Unit at the Faculty of Medicine – Alexandria University seeks to play an effective role in graduating a qualified doctor who is able to develop the health process in Egypt and be in line with professional development..
And that is through the application of a comprehensive system for evaluation and quality assurance by reviewing systems and processes, identifying strengths and weaknesses, and preparing reports on their performance in order to develop and reach the highest levels of quality, efficiency and excellence, hoping to reach international levels in performance and achievement.