Prof.Dr.Tamer AbdAllah Helmy

أبناؤنا الطلاب , زملائي الأعزاء أعضاء هيئة التدريس والهيئة المعاونة ,السادة الإداريين و كافة العاملين نرحب بكم جميعا في صفحة القطاع
The Community Service and Environmental Development Affairs Sector aims to interact with society through a group of activities and services provided by The Faculty of Medicine – Alexandria University.
One of the missions of The Faculty of Medicine, Alexandria University, is to meet the needs of society and develop the surrounding environment. This is done in the sector through a number of committees and units in which many colleagues in various specialties participate in. For instance,
The Continuing Medical Education Committee, which provides scientific activities and workshops for specialists in the medical community at the level of Alexandria Governorate and other governorates based on their needs. The Human Resources Development Committee, which aims to increase the skills of the faculty’s employees. The Medical and Humanitarian Support Committee, with its numerous doctor convoys to many Remote areas that serve thousands of patients. The Crisis and Disaster Management Unit, which provides the necessary plans to manage any problems or disasters that may occur in the faculty. And finally, the Occupational Safety and Health Committee, with its provision of maintaining safety procedures against risks for the entire faculty. Exhibition Committee, Work Environment Improvement Committee, Marketing Committee and Resource Development for the faculty.

We hope that all societal parties, including civil society institutions, my fellow faculty members, the supporting staff, the staff, and my students, will continue to actively participate in all activities and programs provided for the sake of continued advancement, excellence, and progress of The Faculty of Medicine, which we are all honored to belong to.

May ALLAH grants us all success… and guides our steps to serve our beloved country and our esteemed faculty …



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