Device name research techniques
Powerlab with labschart Pro & brigde amplifierAllow for measuremnt of many parameter in rodenets acccording to the attached acessories below
Pressure transducemeasurement of isometri contraction of isolated organs
Organ bathmeasurement of isometri contraction of isolated organs
Non invasive BP transducerNon invasive Measurment of BP in rats
Spirometrymeasurment of respiratory functions in rodents
bioamplifier and ECG electrodesECG recording
Oximetermeasurment of O2 saturation
Flowmeter and US flow probemeasurement of blood flow in a single vessel in rats or mice
Polygraphrecording of isotonic or isometric tension changes
pressure transducedinvasive blood pressure measurment
isometric pressure transdcuermeasurment of isometric contraction of isolated organs
Steriotaxisallows for local injection in different areas of the brain of rats and mice
spectrophotometermeasurment of color absorbance of solution at specific wave length
sppectrflorometermeasurment of flouresence of solutions
Analytical balanceaccurate weighing (gm-mg)
Homogenizer 4000pmtissue homogenization
ElISA Readermeaurement ELISA kits
Shakermeaurement ELISA kits
Washermeaurement ELISA kits
Lab incubatorroutine incubator (37-60º C)
Ovenheating, sterilization
Pipette man starter kitMeasurement

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