Vision: To cultivate belonging, deepen alumni loyalty, and strengthen alumni relations
Mission: To support a network of former graduates in Egypt and the international community in order to effectively connect the faculty alumni everywhere, helping them to share their successes, engage with other excellent alumni, and make key connections that will influence their future, in turn, this will help raising the faculty profile, sustaining and promoting the growth, development, and welfare of the institution.
Values: 1. Belonging. 2. Inspiration for lifelong learning and growth. 3. Diversity, Inclusion, and acceptance within a culture of dignity and respect 4. Excellence, Impact, and active engagement. 5. Integrity and commitment to the highest ethical standards
Objectives: The Alumni Association office aims to: 1. Promote innovative ways of communication and networking among the AFM graduates for synchronizing the faculty Alumni Relations strategy, structures, and activities. 2. Assist in finding job offers and career opportunities for AFM Alumni through relevant networking with colleagues and stakeholders. 3. Provide technical support for Alumni embarking on scientific research and publishing through a committee emanating from the office “Research Paper Publication Support Services Committee”. 4. Provide logistic support for Alumni within the capacity of the administration of the AFM. 5. Provide psychosocial support for vulnerable Alumni in need for such support. To encourage, promote and facilitate education, research, training, and cooperation among alumni. 6. Communicate and cooperate with alumni in other universities, academic institutions, research organizations, funding bodies, Non-Governmental and Governmental organizations for the purpose of faculty improvement and support internationalization. 7. Promote professional development of alumni through organizing online lectures, seminars, conventions, conferences, workshops, and training programs and assist young/population /health professionals in career planning and development. 8. Create an official unique web site for the alumni association through which the faculty can publish, and circulate books, papers, newsletters, posters, scientific journals, and e-journals periodically